Function Pointer in C

By | February 18, 2023

In C programming language, a function pointer is a variable that holds the address of a function. It allows us to pass functions as arguments to other functions, store functions in arrays or structures, and call functions indirectly.

Declaring Function Pointer in C:
To declare a function pointer, you need to specify the return type and the parameter types of the function that the pointer will point to. Here’s an example:

int (*p)(int, int);

This declares a function pointer p that points to a function that takes two int arguments and returns an int.

To assign a function to a pointer, you simply use the name of the function:

int sum(int x, int y) {
    return x + y;

p = sum;

Now p points to the sum function.

To call the function using the pointer, you use the * operator:

int result = (*p)(3, 4);

This will call the function that p points to with arguments 3 and 4, and store the result in the result variable.

Alternatively, you can use the function pointer as if it were a regular function:

int result = p(3, 4);

This does the same thing as the previous example, but it’s a bit more concise.

Function pointers are a powerful feature of C that allows you to write more flexible and reusable code.

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Author: Mithlesh Upadhyay

I hold an M.Tech degree in Artificial Intelligence (2023) from Delhi Technological University (DTU) and possess over 4 years of experience. I worked at GeeksforGeeks, leading teams and managing content, including GATE CS, Test Series, Placements, C, and C++. I've also contributed technical content to companies like MarsDev, Tutorialspoint, StudyTonight, TutorialCup, and Guru99. My skill set includes coding, Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), and Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs). I'm proficient in C++, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Django, and Data Science.