Category Archives: Python

What is Object-Oriented Programming

OOPs stands for Object Oriented Programming. OOP is a programming style with Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction. Before OOP, Procedural Programming like C was used, based on functions. C++ introduced OOP with Objects and Classes for data and functions.  OOP provides a structured, reusable, and developer-friendly approach. It treats everything as objects, like Smalltalk, the first OOP… Read More »

Why choose python for your Android app development

Do you know how frequently you check your smartphone in a day? No? Well, according to various reports, the average number is an astonishing 100+ times a day. The reason behind our addiction to smartphones is the overwhelming sensory experience they offer in our daily lives. Wondering how? Think about Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp etc. Smartphone Apps… Read More »