Category Archives: JavaScript

Strict mode in JavaScript

For a long time, JavaScript had no compatibility issues because in every new version release old functionality were not changing. But it was not good as if there were any issue with old language, then old functionality must be modify accordingly to resolve that issue. In this regard, ECMAScript 5 (ES5) has appeared in year 2009. It release… Read More »

Hello, world! in JavaScript

In this part of the tutorial, we will learn on core JavaScript. We need working environment o run our scripts. We will use either IDE or browser to do this. Now, let’s learn how to attach a script to a webpage. In server-side environments like Node.js, you can execute a script by using a command like “node my.js”.… Read More »

Developer console in web browsers

Code is prone to errors, and as a human, it’s natural to make mistakes. In the browser, errors are not visible to users by default, which makes it challenging to identify and fix issues in scripts. To view errors and obtain useful information about scripts, browsers come with built-in “developer tools.” Chrome and Firefox are popular choices among… Read More »

JavaScript Manuals and specifications

This is a tutorial designed to help you learn the language gradually, but you’ll eventually need additional resources. 1. Specification The ECMA-262 specification is the most detailed and formal source of information about JavaScript. It defines the language. However, it can be difficult to understand initially and is not meant for everyday use. A new version of the… Read More »

Code editors

Code editors are where programmers spend most of their time. There are two main types of code editors: IDEs and Lightweight editors. IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) are powerful editors with many features that work on whole project. IDEs load projects, allow navigation between files, provide autocompletion based on the whole project, and integrate with… Read More »

An Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript was initially created to “make web pages alive”. These JavaScript program are called as scripts. These can be written in HTML of web page and will simply run when the page loads. Scripts don’t complile. JavaScript is different from another language called Java. Initially, it was called “LiveScript.” Since Java was very popular at that time, it… Read More »