What is stdio.h and why do we use?

By | February 21, 2024

stdio.h is a header file in the C Standard Library, which is commonly used in C programming. It stands for “Standard Input/Output Header”.

This header file defines a set of functions and macros that provide input and output capabilities for C programs. Some of the most commonly used functions in stdio.h are printf, scanf, fopen, fclose, fread, fwrite, gets, and puts. These functions allow a C program to interact with the standard input (usually the keyboard) and the standard output (usually the screen), as well as read from and write to files.

In general, the functions in stdio.h provide a convenient and portable way for a C program to perform input and output operations. To use the functions defined in stdio.h, you need to include the header file at the beginning of your source code file, like this:

#include <stdio.h>

By including stdio.h in your code, you have access to a wide range of input and output functions that can be used to interact with the user, read from and write to files, and perform other input and output operations.

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