Various Declarations and Notations in C language

By | February 20, 2024

These are some declarations and notations in the C language. These are summarized in the following table:

Declarations p is a that takes and returns
int *p; pointer to an integer a pointer an integer
int *p[10]; p is a 10 element array of pointer to integer 10 element array of pointer an integer
int (*p)[10]; p is a pointer to a 10-element integer array a pointer integer array
int *p(); p is a function that returns a pointer to an integer function a pointer to an integer
int p(char *a); p is a function an argument as pointer to a character an integer
int *(char *a); p is a function an argument as pointer to a character a pointer to an integer
int (*p) (char *a); p is a pointer to a function an argument as pointer to a character an integer
int (*p (char *a)) [10]; p is a function an argument as pointer to a character a pointer to a 10 element integer array
int p(char (*a) []); p is a function as argument as pointer to a character array an integer
int p(char *a []); p is a function an argument as array of pointers to a characters an integer
int *p(char a []); p is a function an argument as character array a pointer to an integer
int *p(char (*a) []); p is a function an argument as pointer to a character array a pointer to an integer
int *p(char *a []); p is a function an argument as array of pointers to characters a pointer to an integer
int (*p) (char (*a) []); p is a pointer to a function as argument as pointer to a character array an integer
int *(*p) (char (*a) []); p is a pointer to a function an argument as pointer to a character array a pointer to an integer
int *(*p) (char *a []); p is a pointer to a function an argument as array of pointers to characters a pointer to an integer
int (*p [10]) (); p is a 10 element array of pointers to functions each function returns an integer
int (*p [10]) (char a); p is a 10 element array of pointers to functions each functions takes an argument as character an integer
int *(*p [10]) (char a); p is a 10 element array of pointers to functions each function takes an argument as character a pointer to an integer
int *(*p [10]) (char *a); p is a 10 element array of pointers to functions each function takes an argument as pointer to a character a pointer to an integer

These are explained as following below.

  1. p is a pointer to an integer.
    int *p;  
  2. p is a 10 element array of pointer to integer.
    int *p[10];  
  3. p is a pointer to a 10-element integer array.
    int (*p)[10];  
  4. p is a function that returns a pointer to an integer.
    int *p();  
  5. p is a function that takes an argument as pointer to a character and returns an integer.
    int p(char *a);  
  6. p is a function that takes an argument as pointer to a character and returns a pointer to an integer.
    int *(char *a);  
  7. p is a pointer to a function that takes as argument as pointer to a character and returns an integer.
    int (*p) (char *a);  
  8. p is a function that takes an argument as pointer to a character and returns a pointer to a 10 element integer array.
    int (*p (char *a)) [10];  
  9. p is a function that takes as argument as pointer to a character array and returns an integer.
    int p(char (*a) []);  
  10. p is a function that takes an argument as array of pointers to a characters and returns an integer.
    int p(char *a []);  
  11. p is a function that takes an argument as character array and returns a pointer to an integer.
    int *p(char a []);  
  12. p is a function that takes an argument as pointer to a character array and returns a pointer to an integer.
    int *p(char (*a) []);  
  13. p is a function that takes an argument as array of pointers to characters and returns a pointer to an integer.
    int *p(char *a []);  
  14. p is a pointer to a function that takes as argument as pointer to a character array and returns an integer.
    int (*p) (char (*a) []);  
  15. p is a pointer to a function that takes an argument as pointer to a character array and returns a pointer to an integer.
    int *(*p) (char (*a) []);  
  16. p is a pointer to a function that takes an argument as array of pointers to characters and returns a pointer to an integer.
    int *(*p) (char *a []);  
  17. p is a 10 element array of pointers to functions, each function returns an integer.
    int (*p [10]) ();  
  18. p is a 10 element array of pointers to functions each functions takes an argument as character, and returns an integer.
    int (*p [10]) (char a);  
  19. p is a 10 element array of pointers to functions, each function takes an argument as character, and returns a pointer to an integer.
    int *(*p [10]) (char a);  
  20. p is a 10 element array of pointers to functions, each function takes an argument as pointer to a character, and returns a pointer to an integer.
    int *(*p [10]) (char *a);  

Please write comments if you find anything incorrect. A gentle request to share this topic on your social media profile.

Author: Mithlesh Upadhyay

I hold an M.Tech degree in Artificial Intelligence (2023) from Delhi Technological University (DTU) and possess over 4 years of experience. I worked at GeeksforGeeks, leading teams and managing content, including GATE CS, Test Series, Placements, C, and C++. I've also contributed technical content to companies like MarsDev, Tutorialspoint, StudyTonight, TutorialCup, and Guru99. My skill set includes coding, Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), and Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs). I'm proficient in C++, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Django, and Data Science.