Single row character functions

By | May 5, 2023

Single row character function are those function which accepts character values as arguments and return either a numeric or character values. These are two types:

  1. Case Manipulation
  2. Character Manipulation

These are explained as following below.

1. Case Manipulation:

It accept the character values and return the character value.

  1. UPPER(string1): Converts all letters of string1 into upper case.
  2. LOWER(string1): Converts all letters of string1 into lower case
  3. INITCAP(string1): Convert into upper case to first character of string1 of each word.

Example Result
SELECT UPPER(‘c plus plus’) FROM dual C PLUS PLUS
SELECT LOWER(‘C PLUS PLUS’) FROM dual c plus plus
SELECT INITCAP(‘c plus plus’) FROM dual C Plus Plus

2. Character Manipulation:

It accept the character values and return either charcter or numeric values.

  1. CONCAT(string1|expression1,string2|expression2): Concatenates(or join) strings(or expression), string1 and string2 together.
  2. SUBSTR(string1,start_positon,number_of_character): Extract substring from string1.
  3. LENGTH(string1): Numeric returns number of character in the given string1.
  4. INSTR(string1,string2): Return numeric values of first occurence of string1 in given string2.
  5. LPAD(string1,n,c): Pads the string1 to left upto the given lenght n with the given character c.
  6. RPAD(string1,n,c): Pads the string1 to right upto the given lenght n with the given character c.
  7. TRIM([leading|trailing|both] [char-set] from string1): Remove the specfied character either from beginning or end or both side of the string1.
  8. LTRIM(string1,[,char-set]): Trims all the specified character(or blank spaces) to the left side of the string1.
  9. RTRIM(string1,[,char-set]): Trims all the specified character(or blank spaces) to the right side of the string1.

Example Result
SELECT CONCAT(‘Hello ‘,’GEEKS !’) FROM dual Hello GEEKS !
SELECT LPAD(‘HelloGEEKS’,12,’@’) FROM dual @@HelloGEEKS
SELECT RPAD(‘HelloGEEKS’,12,’@’) FROM dual HelloGEEKS@@
SELECT TRIM(‘H’ from ‘HelloGEEKS’) FROM dual elloGEEKS
SELECT TRIM(‘l’ from ‘HelloGEEKS’) FROM dual HelloGEEKS
SELECT TRIM(both ‘@’ from ‘@@HelloGEEKS@2@@’) FROM dual HelloGEEKS@2
SELECT LTRIM(‘@@HelloGEEKS@2@@’,’@’) FROM dual HelloGEEKS@2@@
SELECT RTRIM(‘@@HelloGEEKS@2@@’,’@’) FROM dual @@HelloGEEKS@2

NOTE: Trim function is also used to remove spaces from beginning or end or both the side of string.

Author: Mithlesh Upadhyay

I hold an M.Tech degree in Artificial Intelligence (2023) from Delhi Technological University (DTU) and possess over 4 years of experience. I worked at GeeksforGeeks, leading teams and managing content, including GATE CS, Test Series, Placements, C, and C++. I've also contributed technical content to companies like MarsDev, Tutorialspoint, StudyTonight, TutorialCup, and Guru99. My skill set includes coding, Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), and Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs). I'm proficient in C++, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Django, and Data Science.