Calculate the maximum amount of money a person can make

By | September 29, 2023

Given three arrays start[], duration[], amount[] of length N. A person can make money of amount[i] working for the time period [start[i], start[i]+duration[i]] on task i. Maximum amount of money a person can make from the N tasks.

Note: Person can work on only one task at a time.

Example :

Input : start[] = {15, 10, 30, 5, 18};
   	   duration[] = {20, 30, 35, 12, 35}
   	   amount[] = {20, 50, 10, 51, 25}
Output : 76
Explanation : Person will work on task 3 for the duration of [5, 17] and
                       work on task 4 for the duration of [18, 53]
Therefore , Maximum amount = 51+25 = 76

Approach :

  • Sort all the arrays in the increasing order of start time of tasks
  • Declare dp[N], where dp[i] is maximum amount of money a person can make having tasks [i, i+1,….N-1] in hand.
  • Initialize dp[N-1] = amount[N-1]
  • Iterate for N-1 times with pointer i = N-2
    • If you choose to work on task i, then money = amount[i], and find the lower_bound of start[i]+duration[i] in start array as index.Then increment money +=dp[index]
    • Store dp[i] = max(dp[i+1], money)
  • Print dp[0] as the maximum amount of money a person can make having tasks [0,1,…N-1] in hand.

Implementation in C++:

//C++ program to calculate the maximum amount of money a person can make
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Structure definition
struct work{
  int start;
  int duration;
  int amount;

//Comparision function for sorting the structure members
//in the increasing order of start time of tasks
bool compare(struct work t1, struct work t2)
  	return t1.start<t2.start;

//Function to get the first index at which start time >= val
int bin_search(struct work A[], int lo, int hi, int val)
  	int mid;
  	//Iterate until they are equal
    	//Calculate mid index
    	mid = lo + (hi-lo)/2;
    	//If val lies to right
    	if(val > A[mid].start)
      		lo = mid+1;
    	//Else value lies to left
      		hi = mid;
  	//Return the index as lo
 	 return lo;
int main() {

   //Input arrays start[], duration[] and amont[]
  	//Length N = 5
   	int N = 5, i;
   	int start[] = {15, 10, 30, 5, 18};
   	int duration[] = {20, 30, 35, 12, 35};
   	int amount[] = {20, 50, 10, 51, 25};
  	//Create an array of structure variable for storing 
  	//input data
  	struct work A[N];
  	//Store the values at corresponding index
    	A[i].start = start[i];
    	A[i].duration = duration[i];
    	A[i].amount = amount[i];
  	//Sort the structure in the increasing order of start time of tasks
  	//Create a dp[] of length N
  	int dp[N], money, in;
    //Intialize dp[N-1] = amount[N-1] as there is only one task
    //to complete
  	dp[N-1] = amount[N-1];
    	//dp[i] is maximum amount a person can make 
    	//having tasks of [i, i+1,   N-1] in hand
    	//If he works on task i
    	money = A[i].amount;
    	//If end time of task i <= start time of task N-1,
        //then the person can complete atleast one more task
      		//Search for first index whose start time > A[i].start1+A[i].duration1
      		in = bin_search(A,i+1,N-1,A[i].start+A[i].duration);
      		//Add the amount a person gets working on task [in, in+1,..N-1]
      		money +=dp[in];
    	//If completing task i gives more amount than not acompleting
    	//task i and moving to (i+1)
      		dp[i] = money;
    	//Else, if chosing not to complete task i
      		dp[i] = dp[i+1];
  	//Return maximum amount a person can make having tasks [0,1,..N-1] in hans
    return 0;



Complexity Analysis :

Time Complexity : O(Nlog(N))

Space Complexity : O(N)

Author: Mithlesh Upadhyay

I hold an M.Tech degree in Artificial Intelligence (2023) from Delhi Technological University (DTU) and possess over 4 years of experience. I worked at GeeksforGeeks, leading teams and managing content, including GATE CS, Test Series, Placements, C, and C++. I've also contributed technical content to companies like MarsDev, Tutorialspoint, StudyTonight, TutorialCup, and Guru99. My skill set includes coding, Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), and Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs). I'm proficient in C++, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Django, and Data Science.